Engage. Inspire. Empower.

Attendance Information

Pre-Approved Absence Requests

Students may request up to two (2) absences to be considered for an educational opportunity, such as travel. The
remaining absences will be unexcused. Educational opportunities will count against the exam exemption policy. Juniors
and Seniors are allowed three (3) days per year for college visitation and one (1) day for military recruitment. Approved
College/Military Absences will not count towards the exam exemption policy. Students must submit this form at least
one week prior to the planned trip for principal approval.


District Attendance Policies
Tips & Tricks: You can check your child's attendance online using Powerschool
attend today, achieve tomorrow.

Help your child succeed in school: Build the habit of good attendance early. Good attendance will help children do well in high school, college, and at work. 

Students can suffer academically if they miss 10% of the school year or about 18 days. That's just one day every two weeks.

2 absences per month x 9 months of school = less likely to graduate from high school

Research shows that missing 2-3 days a month can result in:

  • 3rd-grade students falling behind in reading
  • 6th-grade students failing courses
  • Teens dropping out of high school 

Sporadic absences matter. Just one or two days a month can add up before you know it!

If you are facing challenges related to health care, unstable housing, transportation, or lack of food, your school can help. We can connect you to services for the whole family.

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Need to report an absence? Call us!

p: 828.241.2734